Old-school Tin Toy M-65 Robot (Brown)

$ 39.95

Our Special Edition M-65 Alien Robot comes from a parallel universe to save the Earth. M-65 uses pins that move under his feet to walk. This propitious robot features a brown and red body with silver eyes and a functional Go/Stop switch on his front. M-65 is based on the classic Atomic Robot. Like all of our other products, when completed, is ready to go into its eye-catching packaging designed specifically for each piece. This one in particular will make a very special gift for your tin toy collector!

More Details
Dimensions (Packaging) 6.0 x 6.0 x 14.5cm
Weight (Gross) 131g
Additional Information This product is not a children's toy. It is intended for collectors of 14 years of age and above.
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